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General Assembly Meeting was Held in Nice, France

Professor Stavros Kiliaridis as a special guest to the meeting addressed the assembly about quality improvement of the NEBEOP and the European orthodontic specialist training programs the idea, the snowball effect getting all training institutions on board, and continuous development.

Following the discussion of Masters courses, Stavros emphasized that the term NEBEOP should only be used only by those who fulfill all criteria and have undergone the process for full membership. Stavros does not accept the use of the acronym NEBEOP in the flyer for the Malta course. Some discussion ensued about the use of ESAS as a tool for measuring outcomes in post-graduate education. 

Adaptations to the Self Assessment System (ESAS) was introduced.

One new active member was elected : Luxembourg. Austria is soon expected. A new letter was sent out to the Spanish Government

24 Active Members: 


​Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom.

2 Provisional Members: 

Austria, Spain.

General Assembly Meeting was Held in Portorož, Slovenia

Professor Anne Marie Kuijpers/Jagtman, as a special guest to the meeting addressed the assembly about quality improvement of the European orthodontic specialist training programs the idea, the snow bal effect getting all training institutions on board, and continuous development.

The new postgraduate students version of the EFOSA Self Assessment System (ESAS) was introduced.

New issues of the EFOSA Headlines and Quality News were distributed.


Two new active members were elected, one affiliated member was expelled.

23 Active Members: 


Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom

3 Provisional Members: 

Austria, Luxembourg, Spain.

2 Affiliate Members: 

Croatia, Turkey

A New Council was Elected:


President Alexandros Kokkas (Greece), vice-president Bart Vande Vannet (Belgium), secretary Julian O’Neill (UK), treasurer Christian Scherer (Germany), member Milan Kaminek (Czech Republic)

General Assembly Meeting was Held in Helsinki, Finland

David Turpin, chief editor of the AJO&DO, as special guest to the meeting addressed the assembly about orthodontic journalism and how to reach as many orthodontists as possible to stimulate them acquiring and maintaining the knowledge and skills to perform top quality of orthodontics.

The EFOSA Self Assessment System (ESAS) was launched in the EOS meeting, and a preview of that presentation was shown to the assembly.

An extensive update report on European orthodontic health insurances was presented.

21 Active Members: 


Belgium, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom

3 Provisional Members: 

Austria, Luxembourg, Spain.

3 Affiliate Members: 

Croatia, Serbia, Turkey



No change.

General Assembly Meeting was Held in Lisbon, Portugal

Slovakia became active members and Croatia became affiliated member.

The EFOSA Self Assessment System (ESAS) was launched online.


A report on European orthodontic health insurances was presented.

21 Active Members: 


Belgium, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom

3 Provisional Members: 

Austria, Luxembourg, Spain.

3 Affiliate Members: 

Croatia, Serbia, Turkey



No change.

General Assembly Meeting was Held in Berlin, Germany

Estonia and Slovenia became new and active members.

The EFOSA Self Assessment System (ESAS) was launched as a new quality tool.

20 Active Members: 


Belgium, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom

3 Provisional Members: 

Austria, Luxembourg, Spain.

2 Affiliate Members: 

Serbia, Turkey



President: Lars Medin, Sweden - Vice-president: Alexandros Kokkas, Greece - Secretary: Frank de Winter, Netherlands - Treasurer: Claude Bourdillat, France - Member: Milan Kaminek, Czech Republic

General Assembly Meeting was Held in Vienna, Austria

After having changed the constitutional limitation of the duration of provisional membership, Spain became provisional member (again).

Switzerland was installed (from affiliate member) as active member since this was being made possible by agreement EU-Switzerland.

18 Active Members: 


Belgium, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom

3 Provisional Members: 

Austria, Luxembourg, Spain.

2 Affiliate Members: 

Serbia-Montenegro, Turkey



President: Lars Medin, Sweden - Vice-president: Alexandros Kokkas, Greece - Secretary: Frank de Winter, Netherlands - Treasurer: Claude Bourdillat, France

General Assembly Meeting was Held in Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Belgium, Cyprus and Poland became Active members.

Spain lost its Provisional membership and declined to Guest status.

16 Active Members: 


Belgium, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Sweden, United Kingdom

3 Provisional Members: 

Austria, Luxembourg, Spain.

3 Affiliate Members: 

Serbia-Montenegro, Switzerland, Turkey



President: Professor Frans van der Linden, The Netherlands - Vice-president: Professor Francesca Miotti, Italy

- Secretary: Lars Medin, Sweden - Treasurer: Dr. Claude Bourdillat, France

Resolution about “Code of Ethical Practice and Professional Conduct”

Frank de Winter, The Netherlands was elected Web-master and co-opted member of the Council.

General Assembly Meeting was Held in Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Belgium, Cyprus and Poland became Active members.

Spain lost its Provisional membership and declined to Guest status.

16 Active Members: 


Belgium, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Sweden, United Kingdom

3 Provisional Members: 

Austria, Luxembourg, Spain.

3 Affiliate Members: 

Serbia-Montenegro, Switzerland, Turkey



President: Professor Frans van der Linden, The Netherlands - Vice-president: Professor Francesca Miotti, Italy

- Secretary: Lars Medin, Sweden - Treasurer: Dr. Claude Bourdillat, France

Resolution about “Code of Ethical Practice and Professional Conduct”

Frank de Winter, The Netherlands was elected Web-master and co-opted member of the Council.

General Assembly Meeting was Held in Prague, Czech Republic.

Czech Republic (affiliate member)

12 Active Members: 


Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, United Kingdom.

3 Provisional Members: 

Austria, Luxembourg, Spain.

5 Affiliate Members: 

Czech Republic, Cyprus, Poland, Switzerland, Turkey.

General Assembly Meeting was Held in Sorrento, Italy

Admission in the EFOSA of: Luxembourg (provisional member), Turkey (affiliate member).

12 Active Members: 


Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, United Kingdom.

3 Provisional Members: 

Austria, Luxembourg, Spain.

4 Affiliate Members: 

Cyprus, Poland, Switzerland, Turkey.


  • President: Dr. Wolfgang Schmiedel, Germany (until 2004)

  • Vice-president: Professor Francesca Miotti, Italy

  • Secretary: Lars Medin, Sweden

  • Treasurer: Dr. Claude Bourdillat, France

General Assembly Meeting was Held in Ghent, Belgium

12 Active Members: 


Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, United Kingdom.

2 Provisional Members: 

Austria, Spain.

3 Affiliate Members: 

Cyprus, Switzerland, Poland.


  • President: Professor Jüri Kurol, Sweden

  • Vice-president: Dr. Boris Faure, France

  • Secretary: Dr. Wolfgang Schmiedel, Germany

  • Treasurer: Annlaug Stensland, Norway

General Assembly Meeting was Held in Crete, Greece

Admission in the EFOSA of:  Austria (provisional member), Poland (affiliate member).

Ireland from provisional to active membership.

12 Active Members: 


Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, United Kingdom.

2 Provisional Members: 

Austria, Spain.

3 Affiliate Members: 

Cyprus, Switzerland, Poland.


  • President: Professor Jüri Kurol, Sweden

  • Vice-president: Dr. Boris Faure, France

  • Secretary: Dr. Wolfgang Schmiedel, Germany

  • Treasurer: Dr. Paul Karvelas, Greece

General Assembly Meeting was Held in Strasbourg, France

Admission in the EFOSA of:  Cyprus (affiliate member), Finland (active member), Iceland (active member), Italy (active member).

United Kingdom from provisional to active membership.

11 Active Members: 


Denmark, Germany, Finland, France, Greece, Iceland, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, United Kingdom.

2 Provisional Members: 

Ireland, Spain

2 Affiliate Members: 

Cyprus, Switzerland.

General Assembly Meeting was Held in  Paris, France

Admission in the EFOSA of: Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Spain.

7 Active Members: 


Denmark, Germany, France, Greece, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden.

3 Provisional Members: 

Ireland, Spain, United Kingdom.

1 Affiliate Members: 



  • President: Professor Jüri Kurol, Sweden

  • Vice-president: Dr. Ronald Bijlstra, Netherlands

  • Secretary: Dr. Wolfgang Schmiedel, Germany

  • Treasurer: Dr. Paul Karvelas, Greece

June 1998: EFOSA and "Federation Europea Orthodontica" (FEO) agreed upon mutual informations and a future co-operation.


2nd of June 1998: First common informative meeting of EOS and EFOSA, called "FORUM", in conjunction with the EOS congress in Mainz, Germany.

Ratification of the new Constitution by the General Assembly of the EFOSA in Amsterdam.

Task and aims (Article 4 of the Constitution): The aim of the Federation is to unite associations or groups of orthodontic specialists or practitioners, who have comparable education and working conditions as orthodontic specialists with a view to:

  • Obtaining official recognition of orthodontic specialists in all countries in Europe

  • Providing and promoting orthodontic treatment by orthodontic specialists of the highest quality in all countries of Europe according to the concept of quality improvement

  • Defending, in the widest sense, the professional, political and economic interests of orthodontic specialists, especially through the establishment of relations with national and international authorities and bodies with a view to their eventual representation at the Economic and Social Committee instituted by Articles 193 to 198 of the Treaty of Rome, as well as through contacts and agreements with the representatives of other professions

  • Formulating and updating the conditions of professional practice of orthodontic specialists in each of the member countries of Europe while seeking the unification of the national legislations governing the practice of the profession by taking part in the formulation of the directives in the manner provided by Article 57 of the Treaty of Rome

  • Assisting the authorities of the European Union through their experience as practitioners, and to intercede with such authorities, especially when dealing with the question of the right of free choice of residence and the freedom of right to practice as a specialist

  • Interceding, if need be, in a member country of Europe to the extent that such intercession may be helpful in allowing the members of the associations or groups to practice their profession under the best conditions. The intercession may be made, however, only upon the specific request of the member association or group of the country in question

  • Improving the contents and quality of education for orthodontic specialists by means of formulating proposals geared toward defining and coordinating the teaching of orthodontics at the university and post-university level

  • Standardizing European examinations at the end of specialist training programs in orthodontics

  • Advising and supporting national associations or groups that aim to obtain recognition for the specialty of orthodontics in their country, establish an official specialist register and form a national society of orthodontic specialists

  • Seeking financial support through grants and other means to realize the aims listed above.

Since 1997 close co-operation with the European Orthodontic Society" (EOS).

1997: Foundation of the EFOSA / EOS "Co-operation Committee".


Initiative of Sweden and Professor Frans van der Linden from The Netherlands to strengthen the existing, respectively to found a new European Orthodontic Specialists Federation.

Total revision of the Constitution of the EFOSA by an International European Working Committee.

Foundation of the EFOSA by Professor Charles Bolender, France.

Foundation Members: 

Belgium, Denmark, Germany, England, France, Netherlands, Ireland, Italy.

Main Tasks of the Eighties:

Realization of the Council Directives 78/686 and 78/687 of 25 July 1978 concerning the mutual recognition of diplomas, certificates and other evidence of the formal qualifications of practitioners of dentistry, including measures to facilitate the effective exercise of the right of establishment and freedom to provide services.


Since 1995 co-operation with the "Euro-Qual Project" under direction of Professor Birte Prahl Andersen, Netherlands.


EFOSA was founded in 1977 by Professor Charles Bolender. Its founding members included: Belgium, Denmark, Germany, England, France, Netherlands, Ireland and Italy, and today boasts more than 25 member countries across Europe.


Find out more about EFOSA's history and timeline below.

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