EFOSA represents all of the national societies of Professional Orthodontist Associations in Europe and helps within Europe to defend the specialty of orthodontics in the largest possible meaning.
EFOSA is represented by its member societies in an elected Council. Our general annual meeting is held each year at the EOS Congress, where our members meet to discuss the current status of orthodontic speciality training and recognition as a specialty, promoting and presenting research and discussion of research topics, orthodontic areas of concern affecting the public, education and protection of the public.
The current president of EFOSA is Melissa Disse. There is a strong link with the European Orthodontic Society. The President of EFOSA is a Co-opted Member of the EOS Council while a member of the EOS Council serves as a Co-opted Member of the EFOSA Council.

Meet and learn more about EFOSA's Council Members here

EFOSA: The European Federation of Orthodontic Specialists Associations (1976)
1. Playing an active role in realising the recognition of the Speciality of Orthodontics and the establishing of a specialists register in all European countries
2. Promoting the quality of care provided by orthodontic specialists within Europe
3. Promoting a high level of training of orthodontic specialists within the Europe
4. Encouraging the evaluation of universities and other officially recognized institutions for the training of orthodontic specialists within the Europe
5. Presenting the interest of orthodontic specialists within Europe to the European authorities and providing statements on political issues and economic matters. Act in the same way upon the request of a national association of orthodontic specialists in the country concerned.
EOS: The European Orthodontic Society (1907)
1. Promoting teaching, education and research in Orthodontics
2. Stimulating the interaction among European Orthodontists
3. Spreading scientific and clinical information by:
3.1 The organisation of an annual meeting (EOS Congress)
3.2 Publication of a Scientific Journal (EJO)
4. Providing grants, scholarships and awards
5. Providing a forum for European postgraduate students in Orthodontics
6. The organisation of the European Board of Orthodontics (EBO)

Orthodontics is a specialty within dentistry, which deals with the growth of the jaws, face, and the development of teeth.

A qualified specialist in Orthodontics will have a dental degree and has chosen to apply and return to a full-time study at an university centre, in a treatment teaching and research centre or, where appropriate, in a health establishment approved for that purpose by the competent authorities for a further three to four years after their dental graduation. This is to undergo a rigorous training programme with a curriculum, carrying out orthodontic treatment under supervision. At the end of their programme they will sit their membership in orthodontics examination; to be recognised as a specialist. This applies in most European countries.
Modern orthodontics is almost two centuries old, with the biggest breakthrough within the last 20 - 30 years. This is due to modern advances in technology with 3D X-ray techniques, intra-oral scanning technologies, and the advent of different brace systems, which have dramatically improved treatment results. Above all, orthodontics has become much more accessible to most patients in recent years. Until recently there were only specialized orthodontists in the major cities, and there is currently an orthodontic practice in almost every large municipality. You can access orthodontics with dentists and dentists with a special interest in orthodontics, however, it is important to note that orthodontic specialists have undergone a formal full-time training programme (3-4 years long) in the specialty of orthodontics.
There is currently now a high demand for orthodontics; many adults and children want well-functioning teeth that are healthy, leading to a beautiful smile. Comprehensive orthodontic treatment makes an effort to give the patient facial and dental harmony. In children, the teeth can be moved with the help of braces, but the growth of the jaws can also be directed in the right direction, if necessary. Correcting an abnormal jaw position and tooth position contributes greatly to providing dental and facial harmony to these patients.
In recent years, more and more adults are undergoing orthodontic treatment. Correction of teeth alignment can be done in the same way for an adult patient as for growing children or adolescents. However, there are limits; one of them is that the jawbones no longer grow in an adult and can therefore no longer be influenced by braces alone. If this is necessary, because the jaw abnormality is too large to correct with braces alone, then the help of an oral surgeon will often need to be called upon to carry out jaw surgery to correct the jaw positions, as braces will only correct teeth alignment.
Whatever the orthodontic technique used, treatment needs to be maintained with removable retainers, bonded wire retainers or a combination of both. Retention is the key to preserving the new position of the teeth and evidence states retainers are now required to be worn lifelong at nighttime, or for as long as a patient wishes to keep their teeth straight.
1. Contemporary Orthodontics, WR Proffit, 6th Edition, Elsevier, 2019.
2. Begg Orthodontic Theory and Technique, P.R. Begg and P.C. Kesling, W.B. Saunders Company, 1977.
3. Angle E.H.: Treatment of malocclusion of the Teeth, 7th edition, Philidelphia, The S.S. White Dental Manufacturing Co.,1907.